Monday, 7 July 2014

Start-up - A boy-friendly school

I met with parents who were unhappy with their sons' US elementary public-school experiences. It quickly emerged that their sons' were being labeled as "problematic" when they were really just having trouble sitting still and quietly for long periods of time. Further discussion revealed that teaching and learning approaches placed the boys in situations where they would be seen as causes rather than consequences of the "problems".

Initially the parents thought of starting a school which would be more suited to their children. However in this particular city, the barriers to setting up a new school were essentially surmountable. Appropriate facilities were rare and very expensive, and significant up-front expense would be incurred. In addition, the two or three years required to set up a school and obtain regulatory approval would mean their sons would not be eligible to attend it.

In this case, I felt the parents were better to stay with their current school and district and to lobby within the available structures and using currently available district-resources for more boy-friendly approaches. I recommended some family lifestyle changes, better to reflect the need and interests of their sons. I also urged them to consider appropriate Middle and High Schools for their sons, which may involve changes such as moving house, and even moving to a different city.

This solution was best for those parents in that situation at that time. It may not be best for all. Different cases require different approaches.

Please contact me to discuss how I might help you with your educational start-up by sending a message through the Comments section below. Click here for my Privacy commitment and to find out how it works.

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